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Cyber Forensic & Predictive IT Security Courses Solutions

Kriyavan offers Cyber Forensics for incident response and Predictive IT Security using advanced analytics, fortifying organizations against evolving cyber threats with a proactive approach.

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Who We Are

Kriyavan Cyber Forensic Services Private Limited is a vanguard in the cybernautical realm, offering a spectrum of avant-garde cyber forensic and security solutions. Pioneering in digital resilience, our suite of services encompasses cutting-edge threat intelligence, digital investigations, and state-of-the-art data recovery techniques. We are committed to fortifying digital infrastructures and empowering netizens and technocrats with robust, innovative cybersecurity defenses.


Mission Statement

“To illuminate Cyber Forensics in delivering pioneer cyber security services for a Safe, Secure, and Resilient Cyber Ecosystem of global significance.”

Vision Statement

“We aspire to connect with every netizen and tech enthusiast, encouraging active participation and awareness to enhance the cyber society collectively.”


Our Tri-Fold Core Services

The realm of cybersecurity is a rapidly expanding and financially rewarding career path, providing professionals with a sense of fulfillment in their work. Although a bachelor’s degree can provide a competitive advantage for those entering this field, certifications offer credibility, practical insights, and a valuable asset for securing and excelling in cybersecurity positions.

Cyber Forensic Services

We assess and defend networks with proactive solutions, staying vigilant to evolving threats, enhancing resilience and ensuring comprehensive protection.

  • Proactive Security Measures: Implementing advanced solutions to identify and address security issues before they pose a threat, ensuring ongoing protection.

  • Vigilant Threat Management: Staying ahead of evolving threats through constant vigilance, enabling timely responses and maintaining a robust defense against potential risks.

  • Comprehensive Resilience: Enhancing organizational resilience by combining rigorous problem identification, thorough risk assessment, and proactive measures for a well-rounded protection of networks and computer systems.


Cyber Security Training

A global leader in cybersecurity edification, Kriyavan offers a complete range of highly renowned cyber security training programs and certifications much needed for the IT professionals and organizations in India.

  • Global Cybersecurity Expertise: Leading the way in cybersecurity education, Kriyavan provides a comprehensive suite of globally recognized training programs and certifications.

  • Essential Training for IT Professionals: Offering crucial cybersecurity education tailored for IT professionals, equipping them with the skills and knowledge required in the dynamic field.

  • Organizational Empowerment: Addressing the cybersecurity needs of Indian organizations, Kriyavan contributes to their strength and resilience through highly acclaimed training programs and certifications.

Competitive Intelligence / Cyber Attack Prevention

We gather, analyze, and use information collected on competitors, customers, and other market factors that contribute to a business’s competitive advantage.

  • Strategic Insight: By collecting and analyzing data on competitors, customers, and market dynamics, we provide valuable insights that empower informed decision-making, enhancing your strategic advantage.

  • Proactive Risk Mitigation: Our approach goes beyond insights; we leverage gathered intelligence to identify potential cyber threats, allowing for preemptive measures and robust cyber attack prevention strategies.

  • Competitive Resilience: Utilizing intelligence on market factors, we fortify your competitive position, ensuring adaptability and resilience in the face of evolving challenges, ultimately contributing to sustained business success.

Real Feedback From Our Clients

Explore cybersecurity insights, industry trends, and expert advice in our blog—your go-to resource for staying ahead in protection strategies.

Cisco Systems

Cisco Systems

Whenever Security comes to my mind, I think of Kriyavan. I have known Team Kriyavan over the years.
TechCorp Solutions

TechCorp Solutions

Kriyavan fortified our team's skills, a true partner in success. Their expertise made a tangible impact on security.
SecureNet Enterprises

SecureNet Enterprises

Kriyavan, a reliable ally in cybersecurity, elevated our team and significantly strengthened our defense against cyber threats.


Start Learning From World’s Pro Instructors

How to Identify/Report someone following me online ? (Cyber Stalking)

Cyber Stalking is the persistent use of the internet, e-mail, social networks, instant messaging or related digital devices to irritate, badger or threaten people. If a person monitors the use by a woman of the internet, email or any other form of electronic communication, he commits the offence of stalking.

  • (How to ?) File an F.I.R. in the local police station. In case of non-acceptance of your complaint, you can always refer the complaint to the commissioner or judicial magistrate of the city.
Phishing scamsIt will collect individual’s credentials like personal information,bank account details , passwords,card numbers through email, text messages or any links on websites.
Ransomware attackscyber criminals encrypt the victim’s data and demand payment in exchange for the decryption key.payment should be in form of cryptocurrency.
Identity theftCyber criminals steal user’s individual information such as names, addresses, and social security numbers to impersonate person’s or commit fraud. Identity theft can lead to financial loss and reputational damage to organisations and individuals
Dos attacksA DoS (Denial of Service) attack is a type of cyber attack that aims to disrupt the normal functioning of a website, server, or network by overwhelming it with traffic or requests. a DoS attack is carried out using a single device or network connection. A DoS attack is carried out using a single device or network connection
MalwareMalware, short for “malicious software,” is a type of cyber threat that is designed to harm or exploit computer systems or networks. Malware can take many different forms, including viruses, Trojans, worms, ransomware, and spyware, among others.
Malware can be used to steal sensitive data, gain unauthorized access to systems, disrupt computer operations, or carry out other malicious activities. Malware is often spread through phishing emails, malicious websites, or infected software downloads.
What are Cyber crime helpline numbers?

National cyber crime reporting portal1930Child helpline1098Women helpline181

How cyber security will emerge in future?
1.Greater focus on proactive threat hunting
2. Increased use of AI and machine learning:
3.Growing importance of supply chain security
4. Greater emphasis on privacy and data protection
5.Greater collaboration between government and private sector
what are the important Cyber laws?
1. The Information Technology amendment Act, 2008:An Act to provide legal recognition for the transactions carried our by means of electronic data interchange and other means of electronic communication, commonly referred to as “Electronic Commerce”, which involve the use of alternatives to paper based methods of communication and storage of information
2. The Information Technology Act, 2000:The act covers a wide range of cyber crimes, including hacking, phishing, cyber terrorism, and identity theft.
3. The Indian Penal Code, 1860The IPC covers crimes such as data theft, cyber stalking, and cyber harassment.
Where to Officially Report Cyber Crimes in India ?

The only official national reporting helpline is National Cyber Crime Reporting Portal (Helpline Number -1930 (9.00 AM to 6 PM)) and raise a detailed complaint with evidences at https://cybercrime.gov.in This portal is an initiative of Government of India to facilitate victims/complainants to report cyber crime complaints online.


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Explore cybersecurity insights, industry trends, and expert advice in our blog—your go-to resource for staying ahead in protection strategies.


A global leader in cybersecurity edification, Kriyavan offers a complete range of highly renowned cyber security training programs and certifications much needed for the IT professionals and organizations in India.

Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India

+91 - 097193 01930

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